Small, but mighty! That is the perfect description for the Vista Photonics team. Established in 2003 by Dr. Jeffrey S. Pilgrim for the purpose of research and development of laser based trace gas sensors, Vista Photonics has developed world-class laser sensing techniques which it incorporates into commercial instrumentation for high-performance optical detection technologies. The technical staff has extensive experience in the development of optical trace gas detection instrumentation, which involves board designs, software and programming, and device architecture . The Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) program has provided numerous opportunities for Vista Photonics to work with government agencies to grow its research and manufacturing business. In addition to NASA, our customers include the Department of Energy, EPA, USDA, the Department of Defense (Navy). We've also developed strategic partnerships with other companies to advance both commercial space travel and future NASA space missions. In May 2018, the Company received ISO 9001:2015 and AS 9100 D certification, demonstrating its commitment to quality and excellence in its products and procedures.
The hard work of our staff was rewarded when NASA announced during a press conference televised on NASA TV on May 22, 2013 that Vista Photonics had been selected to design and build a multi-gas analyzer to be sent to the International Space Station via the Soyuz on November 6, 2013. The analyzer was turned on February 3, 2014 and functioned perfectly! The original press release can be read here. In 2015, the Multi-Gas Analyzer won the JSC Center Director's Team Award. Since then, we have continued to grow as a NASA contractor and continue to be part of present and emerging developments in the human exploration of space. In addition to serving as a Prime Contractor developing an Anomaly Gas Analyzer for detecting combustion products for NASA, Vista Photonics is developing a scalable AGA-based architecture for the Navy that expands the target gases to include formaldehyde, ethylene, nitrous oxide, nitrogen dioxide, R12/R134a Freon, and acrolein. The core technology was developed by Vista Photonics through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and expanded using NASA program funding. Vista Photonics is developing a scalable AGA-based architecture for the Navy that expands the target gases to include formaldehyde, ethylene, nitrous oxide, nitrogen dioxide, R12/R134a Freon, and acrolein. The core technology was developed by Vista Photonics through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and expanded using NASA program funding. Vista Photonics is developing a scalable AGA-based architecture for the Navy that expands the target gases toinclude formaldehyde, ethylene, nitrous oxide, nitrogen dioxide, R12/R134a Freon, and acrolein. The core technology was developed by Vista Photonics through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and expanded using NASA program funding. Vista Photonics is developing a scalable AGA-based architecture for the Navy that expands the target gases to include formaldehyde, ethylene, nitrous oxide, nitrogen dioxide, R12/R134a Freon, and acrolein. The core technology was developed by Vista Photonics through the Small BusinessInnovation Research (SBIR) program and expanded using NASA program funding. Vista Photonics is developing a scalable AGA-based sensor for the Navy as an update to current submarine environmental monitoring equipment. The core technology for this sensor was developed by Vista Photonics through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and expanded using NASA program funding. Since then, the technology continues to advance as we work with different partners to produce custom devices for multiple environments, including the NASA Artemis missions and the International Space Station.
Vista Photonics has also been recognized as a growth and technology leader. In November 2015, Vista Photonics was selected to be on the New Mexico Private 100 list of top privately owned business in New Mexico for the fourth year in a row. The company was chosen as one of only 10 to be profiled at the annual luncheon. In 2010, 2011, and 2012, Vista Photonics was chosen by the University of Georgia Alumni Association Bulldog 100 - Fastest Growing Bulldog Businesses in recognition of its ownership by UGA alumni and its rate of growth for three years. The New Mexico Technology Flying 40 recognizes the state's largest and fastest growing companies in the technology sector. Companies are ranked according to revenues and percentage growth in revenues. Vista Photonics, Inc. has been on the list multiple times since 2010. On June 10, 2010, Vista Photonics was selected as one of three Business Excellence Award winners. The award is sponsored by Century Bank and presented at the annual Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce Awards event. Winners are chosen according to company size and excellence in four areas: business growth, significant accomplishments during the year, excellence in customer service and unique or visionary business practices.
Need a specialized sensor device for your project? We have extensive experience in building detectors and monitors for a variety of environments. Let our experts in trace gas detection know your needs and requirements and we'll be happy to work up a proposal just for you! Email us today!